Rise to the occasion

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/17       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共919字       Views:137

Rise to the occasion of your challenges. Rise to the occasion of your opportunities. 迎接挑战。抓住机会。

Face the reality of the situation you’re in, with grace, with purpose, with courage. Create value, fulfillment, and worthwhile experience as the moments pass. 面对你所处的现实情况,带着优雅,带着目标,带着勇气。随着时间的流逝,创造价值、成就感和有价值的体验。

Take an active role and make a positive difference in the unfolding of life. There’s good you can do today, right here, right now. 发挥积极作用,在生活的展开中产生积极的影响。你今天可以做好事,就在这里,现在。

Make the effort, go to the trouble, learn from what works well and what doesn’t. Speak the truth, endeavor to better understand, and offer kindness whenever you can. 努力,去麻烦,从哪些方面做得好,哪些方面做得不好。说真话,努力更好地理解,并尽可能地提供善意。

Choose today what you’ll continue tomorrow to be thankful for choosing. Do what adds enduring richness, not merely what creates momentary satisfaction. 今天选择你明天要继续做的事情,以感谢你的选择。做能增加持久丰富性的事情,而不仅仅是创造一时的满足感。

Respect and value the miracle that is your life, that is all of life. Rise to the occasion, and give to it your best. 尊重和珍惜奇迹,那是你生命的全部。迎难而上,全力以赴。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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