Real and present

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/17       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共837字       Views:117

Now is when you live your life. Now is when you get work done. 现在是你过你生活的时候。现在是你完成工作的时候。

Here is where you address the problems. This is the place from which you follow your dreams and achieve your objectives. 这是您解决问题的地方。这是您追随梦想并实现目标的地方。

These are the circumstances you must contend with. This is the situation in which you operate. 这些是你必须面对的情况。这就是您操作的情况。

You might have imagined and wished for a more ideal environment. Yet here is where you are, now is the time you have. 您可能已经想象并希望有一个更理想的环境。然而,这就是你所处的位置,现在是你所拥有的时间。

Instead of waiting for someday, make full use of this day. Rather than wishing for a perfect scenario, figure out what to do with the real and present one you have. 与其等待某一天,不如充分利用这一天。与其希望有一个完美的场景,不如弄清楚如何处理你所拥有的真实和现在的场景。

You’re entirely capable of moving forward from wherever you happen to be. You happen to be just where you are, so pick yourself up, focus on your purpose, and get going. 你完全有能力从你碰巧身在何处前进。你碰巧就在你所在的地方,所以振作起来,专注于你的目标,然后开始。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


作者: 简介:

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