Opportunity to learn

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/17       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共996字       Views:149

The most valuable lessons are not what anyone else seeks to teach you. They are the lessons you learn for yourself. 最有价值的教训不是其他人试图教给你的。它们是你自己学到的教训。

How do you learn those lessons? You learn by doing, by living, by experiencing. 你如何吸取这些教训?你通过实践、生活、体验来学习。

You learn by making mistakes, then enjoying some progress, then making bigger mistakes, followed by a little more progress. You learn by observing and contemplating, by putting yourself on the line and accepting the consequences of your actions. 你通过犯错来学习,然后享受一些进步,然后犯更大的错误,然后再进步一点。你通过观察和沉思来学习,通过把自己置于危险之中并接受你行为的后果。

You learn by experimenting, by adjusting and adapting. You learn from paying close attention to what works and why. 你通过实验、调整和适应来学习。你从密切关注什么是有效的以及为什么中学习。

Even when you have no intention to learn anything, there’s something to be learned. Ask honest questions, listen with care and respect, and learn. 即使你无意学习任何东西,也有一些东西需要学习。提出诚实的问题,认真倾听和尊重,并学习。

With what you learn you can make real improvements to your life, your work, your world. And every moment, in any situation, you have the opportunity to learn. 通过你所学到的知识,你可以真正改善你的生活、你的工作、你的世界。每时每刻,在任何情况下,你都有机会学习。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿

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