Calm and productive focus

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/17       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1201字       Views:142

You can focus on any activity. In so doing, you transform it into a supremely fulfilling experience. 您可以专注于任何活动。通过这样做,您可以将其转化为一种极其充实的体验。

Various forces in the world have an interest in defining for you what is enjoyable, what is worthwhile, and what is not. But you never have to buy into the assumptions they promote. 世界上的各种力量都有兴趣为你定义什么是愉快的,什么是有价值的,什么是不愉快的。但你永远不必相信他们所宣传的假设。

At a deep level, what’s enjoyable and fulfilling for you is being you. That means engaging your interests, utilizing your abilities, and interacting with the reality in which you’re immersed. 在深层次上,对你来说,令人愉快和充实的是做你自己。这意味着参与你的兴趣,利用你的能力,并与你沉浸其中的现实互动。

Arrange some time and space where you are beyond the reach of most distractions. Then, whether you’re doing what you want to do or need to do, give yourself completely to the effort at hand, whatever it might be. 安排一些时间和空间,让你无法承受大多数干扰。然后,无论你是在做你想做的事还是需要做的事,都要把自己完全投入到手头的努力中,不管它是什么。

Experience yourself as you make a difference, and as you continue to do so for a sustained period of time. Enjoy the feeling of taking one purposeful action after another, with no rush, no interruption, no further agenda. 当你有所作为时,体验你自己,并在你持续一段时间内继续这样做。享受采取一个又一个有目的的行动的感觉,不着急,不打断,不进一步的议程。

Nourish yourself often with a period of calm and productive focus. Discover again and again how good and right it is to be you. 经常用一段时间的平静和富有成效的专注来滋养自己。一次又一次地发现做你是多么美好和正确。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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