From behind to ahead

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/17       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1223字       Views:152

Are you tired of falling behind? Then take steps to begin falling ahead. 你厌倦了落后吗?然后采取措施开始领先。

Falling behind happens when you neglect to take care of something that needs to be done. Then another priority comes along and suddenly you’re playing catch up. 当你忽视了需要做的事情时,就会发生落后。然后另一个优先事项出现了,突然间你开始追赶。

All too soon, the problem compounds and you find yourself so far behind it’s difficult to get anything accomplished. Yet you can work yourself out, and work yourself ahead, the same way you fell behind, one task at a time. 很快,问题就复杂化了,你发现自己远远落后了,很难完成任何事情。然而,你可以锻炼自己,让自己领先,就像你落后一样,一次完成一项任务。

Falling ahead happens when you can anticipate what will need to be done, and then you go ahead and take care of it early. That positions you to anticipate the next necessary task, and you can address it early as well. 当你能预测到需要做什么,然后你继续并尽早处理它时,就会发生领先。这使您能够预测下一个必要的任务,并且您也可以尽早解决它。

Before long, you’re so far ahead you no longer are overwhelmed by what needs to be done. You can focus your energy on the valuable, productive and fulfilling activities you choose to do. 不久之后,你就遥遥领先,你不再被需要做的事情所淹没。你可以把精力集中在你选择做的有价值、富有成效和充实的活动上。

Those who get ahead and those who fall behind use just about the same amount of effort, but the difference is timing. Make each effort a little bit earlier than necessary, and that quickly adds up to an enormous positive advantage. 那些领先的人和那些落后的人使用的努力几乎相同,但区别在于时机。让每一项努力都比必要的早一点,这很快就会带来巨大的积极优势。

— Ralph Marston — 拉尔夫·马斯顿


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