Jump start

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共868字       Views:26

A thousand things demand your time and attention. It seems you can never get it all done. 千头万绪的事情需要你花费时间和精力。似乎你永远也做不完。

So start with just one. Get that completed, and immediately your situation looks a lot better. 所以,先从一个开始。完成这项工作后,你的情况马上就会好很多。

When you’ve actually made some progress, more progress not only looks possible, but likely. Get a little momentum going, and it has a good chance of continuing. 当你真正取得一些进展时,更多的进展不仅看起来有可能,而且很有可能。有了一点动力,就很有可能继续下去。

Take the first step, even though it feels hopeless, even though you don’t like it. That can launch a whole new attitude. 迈出第一步,即使感觉无望,即使不喜欢。这可以开启一种全新的态度。

You’ll soon realize you weren’t as overwhelmed as you imagined yourself to be. It’s great to be working your way forward. 你很快就会发现自己并没有想象中那么不知所措。努力前进的感觉真好。

Despite the challenges, despite your reluctance, jump start yourself into action. In just a short time you’ll be running reliably on the momentum of your efforts. 尽管有挑战,尽管你不情愿,但还是要立即行动起来。在很短的时间内,你就会依靠自己努力的动力可靠地运转起来。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿

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