Do better

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/04/25       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共613字       Views:24

You’ve fallen short, so now what? Now, do better. 你做得不够,现在怎么办?现在,做得更好。

You’ve done good, and what comes next? Now, do better. 你已经做得很好了,接下来呢?现在,做得更好。

Whether you’ve exceeded expectations or failed to meet them, the next opportunity is the same. Make use of your experience and improve on your efforts. 无论你是超出了预期还是没有达到预期,下一次机会都是一样的。利用你的经验,改进你的工作。

You know to avoid whatever went wrong. You’re able to expand on all that’s gone right. 你知道如何避免错误。你能够扩展所有正确的事情。

That puts you in a great place. You’re well positioned and well equipped to do better. 这使你处于一个很好的位置。你们已做好充分准备,可以做得更好。

No matter what has been, your best can be yet to come. This is your chance to do better. 无论过去如何,你的最佳状态都将到来。这是你做得更好的机会。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿

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