Make it happen

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/05/7       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共862字       Views:65

You can actually get this done. Start where you are, and keep going. 你确实可以做到这一点。从现在开始,继续前进。

Don’t be too concerned with whether it’s easy or hard, complicated or simple. Just determine what the next step is, and take it. 不要太在意容易还是困难,复杂还是简单。只需确定下一步是什么,然后迈出这一步。

Challenges are sure to arise, and you can find a way to get through each one. Distractions will tempt you to wander from the path, yet you have the power to resist them. 挑战肯定会出现,但你能找到办法克服每一个挑战。干扰因素会诱使你偏离正轨,但你有能力抵制它们。

Keep reminding yourself how good and right it feels when you know you’re making a difference. Offer yourself the reality of that feeling, again and again. 不断提醒自己,当你知道自己正在做出改变时,这种感觉是多么美好和正确。一次又一次地为自己提供这种真实的感觉。

As each hour passes by, make it count for something. Let the completion of each task inspire you to start right in on the next one. 每过一小时,都要让它有意义。让每项任务的完成都能激励你立即开始下一项任务。

All of this is well within your ability. So go ahead, keep pushing forward, and make it happen. 所有这些都在你的能力范围之内。因此,请继续努力,让这一切成为现实。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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