Quality of attention

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/05/7       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1044字       Views:106

Notice what enters your awareness from moment to moment. Does it merely promote and support some worn-out agenda, or is it a genuine experience of life? 注意每时每刻进入你意识的东西。它仅仅是在推动和支持某些过时的议程,还是一种真正的生命体验?

The quality of what you pay attention to has much to do with the quality of your life and the lives around you. Beauty exists where you choose to see it, and expands when you invest effort to create more of it. 你所关注的事物的质量与你和周围人的生活质量息息相关。美存在于你选择看到它的地方,当你投入精力去创造更多的美时,它就会扩大。

You continually select much of the energy that flows into you, and decide on pretty much all the energy flowing out from you. The more love and generosity you can put into those choices, the better for all involved. 你不断选择流入你体内的大部分能量,并决定从你体内流出的几乎所有能量。你对这些选择投入的爱和慷慨越多,对所有参与者就越有利。

You will never be perfect and you never have to be. For every day you have the extraordinary opportunity to be real. 你永远不会完美,也不必完美。因为每一天,你都有非凡的机会去做真实的自己。

Remain fully present, eager to know the truth of what is. Generously pass along what you gain from that truth through your actions. 保持全神贯注,渴望了解事物的真相。通过你的行动,慷慨地传递你从真相中获得的东西。

You cannot un-live a single moment. So give each one your honest best as soon as it arrives. 人不能不活在当下。因此,每一个时刻来临时,都要尽心尽力。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿

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