Own your mistakes

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/05/7       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共780字       Views:72

You’re going to make mistakes. When you do, acknowledge them, learn from them, and move on. 你会犯错误。当你犯错时,承认错误,从中吸取教训,然后继续前进。

It all sounds so simple and obvious, as indeed it is. But that doesn’t mean it is trivial. 这一切听起来简单明了,的确如此。但这并不意味着它是微不足道的。

Each mistake can be either a powerful opportunity if you are honest about it. Or it can become a crushing burden if you’re not. 如果你诚实面对,每一个错误都可能是一个强大的机会。反之,则会成为沉重的负担。

Some mistakes are costly. Yet the sooner you pay their price, the lower that price will be. 有些错误代价高昂。然而,越早付出代价,代价就会越低。

That’s why the moment you realize you’ve made a mistake is a moment to be thankful. For that’s when you can begin to transform the mistake from a problem into an opportunity. 因此,当你意识到自己犯错的那一刻,就应该心存感激。因为在那一刻,你可以开始将错误从问题转化为机遇。

Own your mistakes. And proceed to create real, positive value from the truth of what you have done. 承认自己的错误。并着手从你所做的事实中创造真正的、积极的价值。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿

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