Good and tired

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/05/7       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共1177字       Views:70

Being tired from ambitious effort feels a whole lot better than being tired of doing nothing. If you’re going to be tired anyway at the end of the day, then make it count for something. 雄心勃勃的努力所带来的疲惫感要比无所事事的疲惫感好得多。如果一天结束时,你无论如何都会感到疲惫,那么就要让它有意义。

Perhaps the weariness you feel is not because you’re doing too much. Perhaps it’s because you’re not invested in what you’re doing. 也许你感到疲惫并不是因为你做得太多。也许是因为你没有投入到你正在做的事情中。

A difficult challenge that’s aligned with your purpose will generate far more energy in you than an easy task that has no real meaning for you. You can accomplish much more when what you’re accomplishing is what you care about. 与你的目标相一致的困难挑战会比对你没有实际意义的轻松任务更能激发你的能量。当你所完成的事情是你所关心的,你就能取得更大的成就。

When your body is tired, a good night’s sleep will revive you. When your spirit is weary, you’ll need something more. 当你的身体疲惫不堪时,睡个好觉可以让你恢复活力。当你的精神疲惫时,你需要更多的东西。

You have a unique voice and a unique purpose that are longing to be expressed. Start living that expression and you’ll find an endless source of energy flowing through your life. 你有独特的声音和独特的目的,渴望得到表达。开始表达吧,你会发现生命中流淌着无尽的能量。

Get yourself good and tired with focused, disciplined work on a purpose that connects with who you truly are. And you’re likely to discover each day you have even more energy than the day before. 为了一个与你的真实身份相联系的目标,专注、严谨地工作,让自己疲惫不堪。你很可能会发现,每天你都比前一天精力更充沛。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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