One thing or another

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/05/7       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共869字       Views:77

Devote more time to joy, and there will be less time for anxiety. Make more space for love, and there will be less room for anger. 多一点时间享受快乐,就会少一点时间焦虑。为爱留出更多空间,愤怒就会减少。

Light and darkness cannot exist in the same spot. Hope and despair cannot share the same stretch of awareness. 光明与黑暗不可能存在于同一个地方。希望与绝望不能共存于同一片意识空间。

Choose more of what’s desirable, of what’s good and beautiful. Encourage and support that goodness with your time, your actions, your focus. 选择更多可取的东西,选择更多美好的东西。用你的时间、你的行动、你的关注来鼓励和支持这种美好。

Even when the going is slow, keep going forward. That’s what prevents you from sliding backwards. 即使进展缓慢,也要勇往直前。这样才能避免后退。

In every situation you can focus your energy on one thing or another. Invest that energy on the one thing that is most beneficial for you and all you care about. 在任何情况下,你都可以把精力集中在一件事或另一件事上。把精力投入到对你和你所关心的人最有利的事情上。

Every decision makes a difference in how the world unfolds. Decide to help all that’s good overwhelm all that’s not. 每一个决定都会影响世界的发展。决定帮助一切好的,压倒一切不好的。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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