Also enjoy tomorrow

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/05/7       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共995字       Views:73

Momentary pleasures are great, provided they don’t result in long-term burdens. If the cost lingers longer than the pleasure, it’s probably not worth it. 一时的快乐是美好的,但前提是不会造成长期的负担。如果代价比快乐更持久,那可能就不值得了。

With each choice you make, consider more than just the immediate results. Though you cannot stop the future from coming, you can avoid making it needlessly burdensome. 在做出每一个选择时,考虑的不仅仅是眼前的结果。虽然你无法阻止未来的到来,但你可以避免给未来带来不必要的负担。

No matter how much fun you have today, tomorrow will arrive precisely at its scheduled time. Position yourself so you can welcome it with eagerness rather than with regret. 无论你今天玩得多开心,明天都会准时到来。摆正自己的位置,以热切而非遗憾的心情迎接明天的到来。

Give your future self the benefit of your thoughtful consideration. Make your future self thankful for what you’re doing right now. 让未来的自己从你的深思熟虑中受益。让未来的自己感谢你现在所做的一切。

Yes, by all means live in the moment, making the most of your present opportunities. Just keep in mind there are many other moments to follow. 是的,无论如何都要活在当下,充分利用当前的机会。只要记住,接下来还有许多其他时刻。

Enjoy today in such a way that enables you to also enjoy tomorrow. Be good to the person you’ll soon become. 享受今天,才能享受明天。善待你即将成为的那个人。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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