New fulfillment

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/05/7       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共831字       Views:75

Allow your life to be good. Appreciate everything you have the opportunity to experience. 让生活充满美好。珍惜你有机会经历的一切。

There have been times you would have given just about anything to be where you are right now. And here you are, so live it well. 曾几何时,你愿意付出一切来换取现在的生活。而你现在就在这里,好好生活吧。

Things are far from perfect, but so what? You have plenty of good possibilities to choose from. 事情远非完美,但那又怎样?你有很多好的选择。

Connect your thoughts to what you love, to what you care about. Dwell on the things that fascinate you, that impassion you, that you wish to explore, support, and expand upon. 将你的思想与你的所爱、所关注的事物联系起来。沉浸在令你着迷、令你激动、令你希望探索、支持和拓展的事物中。

There’s so much you can do from where you are, with what you have, in the time that’s available. Just a few moments of focused imagination can give you a wealth of ideas. 在你所处的地方,在你所拥有的时间里,你可以做很多事情。只需集中精力想象片刻,就能为你带来丰富的创意。

New fulfillment is yours to create. Make it your business right now to do just that. 新的成就感由你来创造。现在就行动起来吧。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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