The work of life

Auth:wcdma       Date:2024/05/15       Cat:Foot for thought       Word:共926字       Views:133

You never knew everything you had. You still don’t know the full extent of what you have. 你从未了解过你所拥有的一切。你仍然不知道你所拥有的一切。

So what can you do with it all? You can be grateful beyond what you even know, and determined to live what you have as fully as you can. 那么,你能做些什么呢?你可以心怀超越常人的感激之情,并下定决心,尽你所能,活出你所拥有的一切。

Today gives you the opportunity to allow, experience, and extend new vitality into existence. Here is where real life takes place. 今天,你有机会允许、体验和扩展新的生命力。这里才是真正的生活。

With your thoughts and efforts, you’re able to bring goodness into focus. Out of raw and uncaring time, you create meaning and sweet fulfillment. 通过你的思考和努力,你能够让美好成为焦点。在原始和无情的时间里,你创造了意义和甜蜜的成就感。

Do the work of life because it matters, and because you can. It is your heritage, your responsibility, your path forward. 做生活中的事,因为它重要,因为你能做到。这是你的遗产,你的责任,你的前进之路。

In stillness, in turmoil, in long stretches of sameness, offer the unmatched warmth of authentic living. This is the beauty of what you do, and nothing can take the place of it. 在静谧中,在动荡中,在长期的一成不变中,提供无与伦比的真实生活的温暖。这就是你的工作之美,没有什么能取代它。

— Ralph Marston - 拉尔夫-马斯顿


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