Author: wclab 相关文章


What you truly care about doing, gets done. What you care about learning, you quickly come to know and retain. 您真正关心做的事情都会完成。你关心学习的东西,你很快就会了解并记住。 If you’re failing to take action in some particular realm, it’s not because you’re incapable. It’s because you don’t have sufficient incentive. 如果你在某个特定领域……


In the doing

Gather information and resources, plan your strategy, develop your capabilities. Then make good and meaningful use of what you have. 收集信息和资源,规划您的策略,发展您的能力。然后好好地、有意义地利用你所拥有的。 By all means prepare well for all you intend to accomplish. But don’t let the preparation be a substitute for the accomplishme……


What life brings

When you notice particular weakness in another person, let that prompt you to correct any similar weakness in yourself. When you perceive certain strength in someone else, be inspired to increase that same strength in your own life. 当你注意到另一个人的特殊弱点时,让它提示你纠正自己身上的任何类似弱点。当你在别人身上察觉到某种力量时,就会受到启发,在你自己的生活中增……


Optimize reality

Difficult situations give birth to valuable opportunities. There’s something good you can do. 困难的局面孕育了宝贵的机会。你可以做一些好事。 Disappointment shines a bright light on what truly matters. You have ways to make a difference. 失望照亮了真正重要的事情。您有办法做出改变。 Conflicts and misunderstandings create a hunger for truth. You ……


Put gratitude into action

Go beyond just thinking and speaking your gratitude. Act on your gratitude. 不仅仅是思考和表达你的感激之情。以你的感激之情行动。 It’s great to say you’re thankful. Now do something about it. 很高兴说你很感激。现在做点什么。 Tap into the power of your thankfulness. Let it push you to increase your ambition, your competence, and your courage…….


Say what

Say what must be said, what adds value to the situation or discussion. But know also when you’ve said enough. 说出必须说的话,什么为情况或讨论增加价值。但也要知道你什么时候说得够多了。 Say what is for you to say, what comes from your experience and knowledge. But stop short of putting words in someone else’s mouth, and let others say f……


Mix it up

Be serious and have fun. Be uncompromising and practice forgiveness. 认真一点,玩得开心。不妥协并练习宽恕。 Maintain a strong sense of purpose and stay open to new ideas. Be firm about your values and tolerant of others. 保持强烈的目标感,对新想法持开放态度。坚定自己的价值观,宽容他人。 The experience of life encompasses a wide range. Don’t let yours……


Go to work

Some occurrences you pretty much expect, or even intentionally work to make happen. Others take you completely by surprise. 有些事情你几乎是意料之中的,甚至是有意为之努力实现的。其他的则让您完全感到惊讶。 Yet whether today’s turn of events was intentional or not, there’s something good and useful you can do in response. Rather than smugly……


Fulfill the promise

Shake off the burden of superficiality. Escape the enticement of meaningless, contrived drama. 摆脱肤浅的负担。逃离无意义、做作的戏剧的诱惑。 Purge from your awareness all the mass produced, mediocre content. Make plenty of room in your life for real wonder, purpose, challenge, adventure. 从您的意识中清除所有批量生产的平庸内容。在你的生活中留出足够的空间……


Start here

This is not the ideal situation, yet this is the situation you have. Work with it. 这不是理想的情况,但这就是你所遇到的情况。与它合作。 Now is not the perfect time, but neither is it the worst time. Make good use of it. 现在不是完美的时机,但也不是最坏的时机。好好利用它。 Whatever you seek to do, you have to start somewhere. Start here, start now. 无论……
