Potential value

You experience darkness so you’re able to appreciate the value of light. You feel fear and it prompts you to call forth courage. 你经历了黑暗,所以你能够欣赏光的价值。你感到恐惧,它会促使你鼓起勇气。 Hardship is a burden but not your enemy. Your enemy is indifference, and the challenges, the pains, the struggles render indifference i……


Positive impact on time

Are you merely filling time? Or are you working to exchange your time as it passes for results that last? 你只是在打发时间吗?或者你正在努力交换你的时间,因为它通过的结果,持续? Look ahead at the time that’s approaching. Consider all you can do with it to create value that endures. 向前看,时间即将到来。考虑您可以用它做的一切来创造持久的价值。 You have the opportu……


Bring your best

Do you ever find yourself, while in the middle of an activity, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible? Do you then move on to whatever is next and find yourself longing to get that over with as well? 你有没有发现自己,在一个活动中,想尽快完成它?然后你会继续下一步的工作,发现自己也渴望结束这一切吗? Envision a different approach. Think of ……


Strength rises up

Cheap thrills cannot take the place of deep, abiding purpose. Discrete transactions are a poor substitute for enduring relationships. 廉价的刺激不能取代深刻而持久的目标。离散的交易是持久关系的糟糕替代品。 The opportunities that matter come with a demand and an ability for you to invest something of yourself. When you leave behind you……


Live the peace

Step away from the noise and the drama. Take a deep, refreshing breath, and allow peace to fill your awareness. 远离噪音和戏剧。深吸一口气,让平静充满你的意识。 Much of what you’re normally forced to notice is not really worth your notice. Calmly consider the beautiful truth of who you are and the good things you can do. 很……


Stop short of overthinking

Think about the questions and dilemmas that confront you, but be careful not to overthink. If you think too much you might think yourself right on past the best answers. 想想你面临的问题和困境,但要小心不要想太多。如果你想得太多,你可能会认为自己已经错过了最好的答案。 There’s value in thoughts that come quickly to mind. For those fresh thoughts ar……


Your actions

Every action has consequences. To improve your consequences, adjust your actions. 任何行为都有后果。为了改善你的后果,调整你的行动。 Sometimes it’s obvious what results your actions will cause. Other times, it can be more difficult to know in advance. 有时候你的行为会导致什么样的结果是显而易见的。有时,提前知道可能会更困难。 But almost always, after you take e……


Little things

If you allow the little things to get you down, then you give the big things the power to overwhelm you. By constantly complaining about minor problems, you compromise your ability to deal with the major problems. 如果你让小事情让你失望,那么你就给了大事情压倒你的力量。通过不断地抱怨小问题,你妥协了你处理大问题的能力。 Whenever you’re interrupted by a……



给你们分享个我这两天的一件事。我前几年因为买卖虚拟币,当时没有经验,被冻结过一个账户,大概小100万吧。结果今天发现解冻了,可以自由转账了,2021年底冻的,算一下也快3年了。通常来说买币是风险较低的,因为我的钱是干净的我自己有数,币商收币也都会要求验流水。风险较大的是卖币出金,很多新手没有经验的话就容易收到黑钱(人民币),要是牵扯到案件的话账户就会被公安冻结。 通常是冻结3天,3天后自动解冻,如果有这种情况就是高危信号,不要以为3天后解冻就没事了,因为不同的公安局查案进度有快有慢,a公安局解冻了后面很可能还会有b、c、d。我当时就是没经验,结果后面收到了冻结半年的套餐,这才意识到遇到麻烦了。……



今天两市成交1.93万亿,量能和前几天持平,a股中位数是0%,涨跌个股相当,但因为权重股的表现更为出色,因此几个重要的宽基指数,比如上证、沪深300、上证50、中证500、中证1000都有小幅上涨。而且我还注意到一个信号,就是过去4个交易日都有上影线,就是日内都有冲高回落,这是市场情绪比较谨慎的表现,日内涨了就有人想要获利了结,落袋为安,都不愿意追涨和持股过夜。 这是坏事吗?我觉得不算,这种犹犹豫豫的上涨可能更有韧性,也更持久。股市有一句名言,行情在犹豫中酝酿,在一致疯狂中结束。你们回想一下过去一个月的大起大落,就能体会这句话的含金量。 今天跌幅最大的正好是昨天涨最多的短剧三兄弟,传媒、影视、……
