Author: wclab 相关文章

Your potential

You are born to succeed. You are equipped to succeed. 你生来就是为了成功。您已准备好取得成功。 But success is not a foregone conclusion. If it’s to happen, you must make it happen. 但成功并不是必然的结论。如果它要发生,你必须让它发生。 That’s entirely possible and even likely. Yet it’s not easy, or quick, or without friction. 这是完全可能的,甚至是可能的。然而,这……


Effort after effort

Do a little work. Then do a little more. 做一点工作。然后多做一点。 No meaningful journey consists of just a single step. Getting anywhere takes multiple efforts, and then many more. 没有一个有意义的旅程只由一个步骤组成。到达任何地方都需要付出多方面的努力,然后付出更多努力。 Sometimes you can easily measure your progress with each discrete step, and other t……


Potential for improvement

There’s a continuing opportunity present in your life. On any day, in every situation, you have great potential for improvement. 你的生活中有一个持续的机会。在任何一天,在任何情况下,你都有很大的改进潜力。 That doesn’t mean there’s anything particularly wrong with you or the way you live right now. It does mean you can always increase y……


Driving purpose

At your core, purpose drives you. Live true to that purpose, and you’ll bring power and persistence to your actions. 从本质上讲,目标驱动着你。忠于这个目标,你会为你的行为带来力量和毅力。 There is a purpose that fulfills you. Find and understand that purpose, and you will achieve great and meaningful things. 有一个目标可以满足你。找到并理解这个目标,你将取得……


Generosity into action

What can you do today to be generous to yourself? What can you do today to be generous to others? 今天你可以做些什么来慷慨地对待自己?今天你可以做什么来慷慨地对待他人? Generosity gives you specific pathways to enhance your life. Generosity provides concrete opportunities to improve the lives of those around you. 慷慨为您提供改善生活的特定途径。慷慨为改……


Living values

Thinking a kind thought is admirable. Offering a kind word at an opportune moment is better, and acting on your kindness, even more so. 善意的想法是令人钦佩的。在适当的时候说一句好话更好,而按照你的善意行事更是如此。 It’s a nice gesture to express your love. Yet it can be life-changing to put your love into practice. 这是表达爱意的好举动。然而,将您的爱付诸实……


Time well spent

Time is the most valuable resource available for you to invest. Pay close attention and give thoughtful intention to what you do with it. 时间是您投资的最宝贵资源。密切关注并深思熟虑地使用它。 Consider the most fulfilling aspects of your life. They are all largely the result of how you’ve chosen to spend your time. 考虑一下你生活中最充……


Now is enough

What you require for now is what you have. Where you must be in this moment is where you are. 您现在需要的就是您所拥有的。此时此刻你必须在哪里,就是你所在的地方。 Allow right now to be enough. Let go of any wishes that things had been different. 现在就足够了。放下任何希望事情已经不同的愿望。 Invest all your thoughts and energy into making the best of the ……



Maintain awareness not only of what can be seen. Stay aware also of the possibilities that could be hidden. 不仅要保持对可见事物的意识。还要注意可能隐藏的可能性。 Awareness involves being knowledgeable. It also involves being open to what exists beyond your knowledge. 意识包括知识渊博。它还涉及对超出您知识范围的事物持开放态度。 Countless generations of yo……


Power to adapt

All sorts of factors in your life and in your world keep changing from day to day, moment to moment. That can be a big problem for you, or it can be a great opportunity. 你的生活和你的世界里的各种因素每天都在变化。这对您来说可能是一个大问题,也可能是一个很好的机会。 You have the power to adapt to changing conditions. Make use of that power, and g……
