Author: wclab 相关文章

Go out and do

Life’s energy does not come from talking, wishing, speculating about life’s energy. Life gains its energy from action. 生命的能量不是来自谈论、许愿、猜测生命的能量。生命从行动中获得能量。 Get up, get active, go out and do. If your muscles do not ache at the end of the day, you have neglected many opportunities for richness. 起床,活跃起来,……


Love of living

Live for the love of living. Love for the joy of loving. 为热爱生活而活。爱是为了爱的喜悦。 Listen, watch, taste, feel, and know you’re a crucial part of all you experience. Give because giving is who you are and what you do. 聆听、观看、品尝、感受,并知道您是您所有体验的重要组成部分。给予,因为给予就是你是谁,你做什么。 Dance to the music of the wind that flows ……


Rewarding life

The reward is not in the prize. The reward is in the effort. 奖励不在奖品中。回报在于努力。 The prize is a mere token. And when it is not earned, it is an empty, meaningless, worthless token, no matter how much glitter it may possess. 奖品只是一个象征。当它没有被赚取时,它是一个空洞、毫无意义、毫无价值的代币,无论它可能拥有多少闪光。 The prospect of pleasure exer……


Truth is easier

It’s easy and often convenient to say what you don’t mean, to claim what is not true, to hide what is real. But the further you venture from the truth, the more difficult is your way forward. 说出你不想要的东西,声称什么是不真实的,隐藏什么是真实的,这很容易而且往往很方便。但你离真相越远,你前进的道路就越困难。 By very definition, reality always has a way of……


Mental work

Take the time, have the courage, to explore your own thoughts. Within those thoughts you can find great treasure. 花点时间,鼓起勇气,探索你自己的想法。在这些想法中,你可以找到巨大的宝藏。 Every thought you think is informed by the totality of your knowledge and experience. Give those thoughts the time, space, and focus to interact wit……


Meaningful life

Meaning has infinite potential. You can always experience more, create more, and offer more meaning. 意义具有无限的潜力。您总是可以体验更多,创造更多,并提供更多意义。 Indeed, every experience of a particular form of meaning that already exists, results in more meaning. Through your own life, through all of life, meaning is kept al……


All you’ve experienced

Your failed attempts have taught you crucial lessons. Those good intentions you never followed through on have given you an appreciation for the value of commitment. 你失败的尝试教会了你重要的一课。那些你从未付诸实践的善意让你体会到承诺的价值。 Regrets born in your past provide inspiration and energy that you can put to good use. Now you……


Yours right now

Take in the beauty of this moment and let it fill you. Yet do not try to hold it. 享受这一刻的美丽,让它充满你。然而,不要试图持有它。 For as soon as you attempt to possess it, the beauty is lost. When you grasp it too tightly, you lose the ability to experience it. 因为一旦你试图拥有它,美丽就失去了。当你把它抓得太紧时,你就会失去体验它的能力。 Let this unique mo……


Genuine understanding

You have your own perspective, and it is well-informed and valuable. Yet you do not know it all, and it’s a good idea to avoid the assumption that you do. 你有自己的观点,而且它见多识广且有价值。然而,您并不了解所有内容,最好避免假设自己知道。 Other people may often frustrate and annoy you, and you may wonder how they could be so ignorant, im……


Your potential

You have plenty of unrealized potential. Whenever you choose, you can transform good things that could be into good things that are. 你有很多未实现的潜力。无论何时选择,您都可以将本来可以的好事物转化为美好的事物。 There is great abundance in this universe. Each day is a fresh new opportunity to harvest and express that abundance in specif……
