Author: wclab 相关文章

What you allow

If you allow anything to hold you back it will hold you back. Whatever you allow to push you forward will push you forward. 如果你允许任何事情阻碍你,它就会阻碍你。无论你允许什么推动你前进,都会推动你前进。 There are many factors, circumstances and influences flowing through your life. Whether each one is a liability or an asset is to a la……


Quickly recover

You had the best of intentions, and even got off to a great start. Then you were hit with a totally unexpected disruption. 你的意图是最好的,甚至有了一个良好的开端。然后你遇到了一个完全出乎意料的中断。 You can’t turn back the clock and prevent it from happening. Anger, resentment, complaints and self pity might feel appropriate, but they……


Time to ripen

Sometimes you can create results very quickly. Many times, though, you must have some patience. 有时,您可以非常快速地创建结果。不过,很多时候,您必须有一些耐心。 Flowers won’t bloom any faster than flowers bloom, no matter how aggressively you work at it. Indeed, giving them too much attention and handling can actually damage them……


Active appreciation

Take something for granted and you diminish its value. Take it for granted long enough and you could lose it altogether. 认为某样东西是理所当然的,你就会降低它的价值。认为它是理所当然的足够长的时间,你可能会完全失去它。 That’s because whatever you take for granted, you fail to make use of. Your inattention leaves it to crumble into disrepair. 那是因为……


Richness that endures

A new toy will not bring new richness or meaning to your life. That’s up to you, your work, your commitment, your time, your effort. 新玩具不会为您的生活带来新的丰富或意义。这取决于你、你的工作、你的承诺、你的时间、你的努力。 You swipe, you tap, and it arrives at your door in eighteen hours. Three or four hours later it’s not nearly enough, and……



The ability to trust adds great value to your life on many different levels. Yet blind trust is worse than no trust at all. 信任的能力在许多不同层面上为您的生活增添了巨大的价值。然而,盲目的信任比完全没有信任更糟糕。 For trust to work, it has to pass through the challenge of skepticism. Skepticism is not antagonism, but rather an invitation and……


Be curious

Carry yourself to wonderful places you never would have otherwise known you could go. Express a genuine appreciation for life and everything in it, by being curious. 带自己去你永远不会知道你可以去的美妙地方。通过好奇心表达对生活和其中一切的真诚感激。 Keep yourself well informed about the universe around you while bringing new richness and u……


Create excellence

Excellence is a highly desirable result. Yet the importance of excellence goes deeper than that. 卓越是一个非常理想的结果。然而,卓越的重要性远不止于此。 Even more valuable than the result of excellence is the quest involved in getting there. In surmounting the challenges that exist along the path to excellence, you strengthen……


Trendy or dependable?

What’s trendy is valuable and exciting in the moment. But its value quickly fades. 时髦的东西在当下是有价值和令人兴奋的。但它的价值很快就消失了。 What’s dependable continues to be attractive and useful over long stretches of time. It offers value that endures, that you’re able to rely upon. 可靠的东西在很长一段时间内仍然具有吸引力和有用性。它提供持久的价值,您可以信赖……


Don’t and do

Don’t demand to be entertained. Do offer to be useful. 不要要求被娱乐。要有用。 Don’t wish for something good to come your way. Do create value out of what’s already available to you. 不要希望好事来临。务必从您已有的可用资源中创造价值。 Don’t fret that there’s not enough time. Do make use of each moment as it comes. 不要担心时间不够。要好好利用每一刻。 D……
