New fulfillment

Allow your life to be good. Appreciate everything you have the opportunity to experience. 让生活充满美好。珍惜你有机会经历的一切。 There have been times you would have given just about anything to be where you are right now. And here you are, so live it well. 曾几何时,你愿意付出一切来换取现在的生活。而你现在就在这里,好好生活吧。 Things are far from per……


Also enjoy tomorrow

Momentary pleasures are great, provided they don’t result in long-term burdens. If the cost lingers longer than the pleasure, it’s probably not worth it. 一时的快乐是美好的,但前提是不会造成长期的负担。如果代价比快乐更持久,那可能就不值得了。 With each choice you make, consider more than just the immediate results. Though you cannot stop the ……


One thing or another

Devote more time to joy, and there will be less time for anxiety. Make more space for love, and there will be less room for anger. 多一点时间享受快乐,就会少一点时间焦虑。为爱留出更多空间,愤怒就会减少。 Light and darkness cannot exist in the same spot. Hope and despair cannot share the same stretch of awareness. 光明与黑暗不可能存在于同一个地方。希望与绝……


Good and tired

Being tired from ambitious effort feels a whole lot better than being tired of doing nothing. If you’re going to be tired anyway at the end of the day, then make it count for something. 雄心勃勃的努力所带来的疲惫感要比无所事事的疲惫感好得多。如果一天结束时,你无论如何都会感到疲惫,那么就要让它有意义。 Perhaps the weariness you feel is not because you’re do……


Own your mistakes

You’re going to make mistakes. When you do, acknowledge them, learn from them, and move on. 你会犯错误。当你犯错时,承认错误,从中吸取教训,然后继续前进。 It all sounds so simple and obvious, as indeed it is. But that doesn’t mean it is trivial. 这一切听起来简单明了,的确如此。但这并不意味着它是微不足道的。 Each mistake can be either a powerful opportunity if ……


Quality of attention

Notice what enters your awareness from moment to moment. Does it merely promote and support some worn-out agenda, or is it a genuine experience of life? 注意每时每刻进入你意识的东西。它仅仅是在推动和支持某些过时的议程,还是一种真正的生命体验? The quality of what you pay attention to has much to do with the quality of your life and the lives a……


Make it happen

You can actually get this done. Start where you are, and keep going. 你确实可以做到这一点。从现在开始,继续前进。 Don’t be too concerned with whether it’s easy or hard, complicated or simple. Just determine what the next step is, and take it. 不要太在意容易还是困难,复杂还是简单。只需确定下一步是什么,然后迈出这一步。 Challenges are sure to arise, and you ca……



下周三是五一节,节前还有两个交易日,今晚把这几天发生的大事给捋捋。 周五行情有重大变化,外资爆买224亿,这是港股通2014年开设以来单日净入额历史最高,借着这股生力军a股强势上涨,虽然没有直接突破3100关口,但看趋势和气势都是大有希望。 另外上周还有一个很异常的信号,就是香港中概股强势崛起,带动恒生指数一周5连涨,单周累计上涨8.8%。你们可能对这个周涨幅8.8%没有概念,这已经是2011年以来最佳单周表现。 一个是10年单日最佳,一个是13年单周最佳,这绝对不是什么巧合,肯定是有外资在加仓中国股票,而且额度越来越大。 很多人都在分析和归纳原因,包括且不限于: 中概股连跌3年后有估值修复的……


What you do best

Possibilities fill your world today. Grab a few and go with them. 今天,你的世界充满了可能性。抓住一些,并与之同行。 Allow the possibilities to energize you out of your weariness. Let them inspire you out of your complacency. 让各种可能性为你注入活力,走出疲惫。让它们激励你走出自满。 It’s great to develop capabilities and resources. What’s even better ……


Desirable alternative

Sometimes you have no choice other than to fight, but fighting is not a good long-term strategy. Because whatever you fight against almost always grows stronger. 有时候,除了战斗,你别无选择,但战斗并不是一个好的长期战略。因为与你对抗的东西几乎总是会变得更加强大。 What is a good long-term strategy? Building a more desirable alternative. 什么是好的长期战略?建设……
