
今天两市成交5265亿,几个指数都是微幅波动,但是中位数+0.99%,所以是散户体感良好的交易日,指数不涨但账户有显著回血。涨最好的是固态电池板块,哦不,准确的说是固态电池概念,因为目前还没有一家上市公司能够量产全固态电池,连半固态能量产的都寥寥无几。这一轮固态电池概念被炒起来,是因为一家叫鹏辉能源的公司开了个发布会,宣布了在固态电池上的一些技术突破。不是量产,公司也说了1年内不会量产。a股的固态电池我有印象的就炒过3次,每次都是差不多的情况,有上市公司宣布实验室技术进步,但离量产有差距,然后就会有市场里的热钱借机推一波。我找找以前写过的关于两种形态电池优缺点介绍,关键词搜固态就有: 上面这段……



这个周末很多人都在热议新推出的房屋养老金,并有多种解读称这是变种的房产税。政府的解释这笔钱未来将用于给房子养老,即一些年久失修的老房子需要定期检查、维护,以保护居民安全,相关费用就从房屋养老金里出。我估计大部分人在买房的时候隐约记得自己交过一笔公共维修基金,大概是总房价的2%左右,交这笔钱的目的就是为了未来维护修缮房子用的。 但绝大多数人对于这笔钱交了之后的去向是一无所知,对吧。我之前就是不太清楚,这两天专门查了一下,这笔钱在业主委员会成立之前由当地政府房管部门代管,存放在银行,业主委员会成立后由业主大会管理。 注意,每个人都有专门的银行账户,自己交的公共维修基金存放在自己个人账户,并不会通用……


Appreciate your habits

A habit is something you do almost without thinking. Even so, in order to make sure you maintain the habit, it’s good to regularly think about it. 习惯是你几乎不假思索地做的事情。即便如此,为了确保您保持这种习惯,定期考虑它是件好事。 You get yourself into a good habit, to the point where it becomes second nature. Yet when anything becomes se……


Good thoughts

An intuition is nothing particularly mysterious. It’s a thought that has more depth than you’re able to recognize. 直觉并没有什么特别神秘的。这是一个比你能够识别的更深的想法。 Much of your thinking is explicit and intentional. Yet a good portion of your best thinking occurs beneath your level of awareness, where valuable intuiti……


The real thing

The imitation is cheaper, quicker, very convenient. And that’s why the real thing is infinitely more satisfying. 仿制更便宜,更快捷,非常方便。这就是为什么真实的东西要令人满意得多。 An experience that demands nothing from you cannot convey anything worthwhile to you. Satisfaction does not reside in what you get unless it is rooted i……


Inspired by dismay

Dismay gets your attention. But if you let it continue beyond that, it gets you nothing. 沮丧引起了你的注意。但是,如果你让它继续下去,它就会给你带来任何好处。 Actually, what you end up with is worse than nothing. Because dismay, more often than not, serves as an excuse for inaction and resignation. 实际上,你最终得到的比没有更糟糕。因为沮丧往往是无所作为和无奈的借口……


Ask more of yourself

Lead yourself into activities that challenge you, intellectually, physically, socially, philosophically, spiritually. Spend time in ways that stimulate the whole of your being. 带领自己参加在智力、身体、社交、哲学、精神上挑战你的活动。以刺激您整个存在的方式花时间。 Energy and strength do not arise out of idleness. They result from engaging in……


Appreciate what’s good

There are worse places you could be. There are worse times you could live in. 你可能在更糟糕的地方。你可能会生活在更糟糕的时代。 This day has challenges, this world has problems. Value and appreciate it all anyway, for it could be a lot worse. 今天有挑战,这个世界有问题。无论如何,珍惜并欣赏这一切,因为它可能会更糟。 It could be worse, and one big force that a……


Life does go on

A season ago, quite a few things were different in your life, and in the world at large. A season hence, will be more developments you never could have anticipated. 一个赛季前,你的生活和整个世界发生了很多不同。从此以后的赛季中,将出现更多您从未预料到的发展。 Through it all, life goes on. And it’s helpful to keep that in mind. 通过这一切,生活仍在继续。记住这一点……


Purposeful action

More times than you can remember, you’ve set a goal and achieved it. Now you can do it again. 你已经设定了一个目标并实现了它的次数比你记得的要多。现在你可以再做一次。 From efforts that span just a few minutes, to ambitions that take years to materialize, you’ve participated in purposeful action. Continue putting that experience to goo……
