Author: wclab 相关文章

Say you will

Intention shines a light on specific possibilities and opportunities. Express a particular intention, and you begin to find your way toward its fulfillment. 意图揭示了特定的可能性和机会。表达一个特定的意图,你开始找到实现它的方法。 Intention gathers your willingness and aims it all in the same direction. Intention energizes your skills……


Realm of reality

Reality is often not easy to accept. But it is ultimately easier for you, and better for you, to accept reality than to deny it. 现实往往不容易接受。但最终,接受现实比否认现实更容易,对你来说也更好。 Because reality always wins. You also can win within the confines and conditions of reality, but you cannot win apart from it. 因为现实总是赢的……


Rise joyfully

Stay away from those who promise to make things easy for you. Seek out those who respect you enough to challenge you. 远离那些承诺让您轻松的人。寻找那些足够尊重你并挑战你的人。 Avoid consenting to offers of something for nothing. Such situations always leave you with less than nothing. 避免同意不劳而获的提议。这种情况总是让你一无所有。 Be willing to pa……


Your next choice

The quality of your life is determined by all choices large and small. Keep that in mind as you choose well, for every choice matters. 您的生活质量取决于所有大大小小的选择。在你选择时要记住这一点,因为每一个选择都很重要。 Choose excellence over convenience. Choose reliability over opulence. 选择卓越而不是便利。选择可靠性而不是富裕。 Choose beauty over expediency……


Definitely now

For the precious and unique life you are destined to live, consigning it to maybe someday is not good enough. Rather than maybe someday, definitely now is the time to move your life, your world, your hopes and values forward. 对于你注定要过的珍贵而独特的生活,也许有一天把它托付给它是不够的。与其说是某一天,不如说现在是推动你的生活、你的世界、你的希望和价值观向前发展的时候……



You cannot always control the circumstances and events that surround you. Yet what you can always do is choose to meet them with strength. 你不能总是控制你周围的环境和事件。然而,你总是可以做的是选择以力量来迎接它们。 Strength adds value to where you are and what you do. Whether you’re being praised, prodded, attacked, or assisted, with ……


Questions to contemplate

What can you do right now that you’ll be thankful for tomorrow? That’s a great way to spend your time. 你现在能做些什么来让你对明天心存感激?这是消磨时间的好方法。 What thoughts can you bring to the top of your awareness that will inspire and energize you? Those can be valuable thoughts to consider. 你能把哪些想法带到你的意识顶端,以激励和激励你?这些都是值……


A better there

There are probably good options you have not considered. Look for them, work to bring them to the surface of your awareness. 可能有一些您没有考虑过的好选择。寻找它们,努力将它们带到你的意识表面。 The easiest, most obvious paths are blocked. With some time, effort, honesty and creativity, you can discover others. 最简单、最明显的路径被阻止。通过一些时间、……


Ready to go

Rather than sitting around waiting for inspiration to strike, get yourself going and let inspiration find you already in action. Instead of killing time until you feel ready, simply declare that you are ready. 与其坐在那里等待灵感来袭,不如让自己动起来,让灵感发现您已经在行动。与其在你觉得准备好之前消磨时间,不如简单地宣布你已经准备好了。 After all, your willingn……


Magnificent feast

Those who live in a beautiful and competent world are those who invest themselves in beauty and competence. Those who live in an ugly and dysfunctional world are those who fail to make that investment. 那些生活在一个美丽而有能力的世界里的人,就是那些把自己投资于美丽和能力的人。那些生活在一个丑陋和功能失调的世界里的人是那些没有进行这种投资的人。 Effort, care, love, gener……
