Act on faith

Do you want to be motivated to take action? Then take action. 你想获得采取行动的动力吗?那就行动起来吧。 It’s a mistake to think that motivation alone initiates action. You initiate the action, and then motivation comes forth to continue it. 认为只有动机才能启动行动是错误的。先有行动,然后才有继续行动的动力。 So once you start actually doing what you in……


Truth remains true

The truth is simple. Though it is often not easy, or nice, or comfortable. 事实很简单。尽管这往往并不容易,或并不美好,或并不舒适。 If someone has to spend thirty minutes explaining himself, he’s not being truthful. Certainly life encompasses many legitimate complexities, yet in those complexities there’s ample space to embed ……


Gloriously alive

Instead of chasing happiness, enjoy it. Instead of putting off life until later, live it fully where you are. 与其追逐幸福,不如享受幸福。与其将生活推迟到以后,不如在当下充分享受生活。 There is only the slightest connection between your external circumstances and the level of genuine joy you experience. Every moment is, more than anyth……


True priorities

Your priorities play a major role in the way your life unfolds. It’s crucial to be honest with yourself about them. 你的优先事项对你的人生发展起着重要作用。坦诚面对自己的优先事项至关重要。 Your actual priorities are not defined by what you say they are or what you assume them to be. Your priorities are determined by what you do. 你的实际优……


Celebrate meaning

Because darkness exists, light has value. Each challenge adds meaning to the reward. 因为黑暗存在,光明才有价值。每一次挑战都会为收获增添意义。 The essence of great, enduring art comes from the physical, mental and spiritual effort expended to create it. If the process was easy, instant and free, no one would care about the res……


Allow discipline

Discipline is not something you have to go out and get. It’s a power you can allow yourself to have. 纪律并不是你必须走出去才能得到的东西。它是一种你可以让自己拥有的能力。 You know what discipline is, what discipline means in your particular context. You’ve experienced what a period of consistent, disciplined action can enable you to……


Making a difference

What you do makes a difference. Keep that in mind, and keep doing the good things you do. 你的所作所为会带来改变。牢记这一点,继续做好事。 To the extent you’re able, find ways to do even more. Because each time you make a positive difference, the benefits extend far beyond that single episode. 在力所能及的范围内,想方设法做得更多。因为每当你做出积极的……


Grand opportunity

Real magic is not to be found in some quick and easy solution. The magic unfolds in the living of your life. 真正的魔力并不存在于某种快速而简单的解决方案中。魔法就在你的生活中展现。 Joy comes not from some particular, momentary pleasure or acquisition. It is in the authentic living of each moment that joy infuses your experience. 快乐并非……


Opportunities for goodness

Some things you can change for the better, and others you can’t. Your effectiveness, your peace of mind, your levels of satisfaction and fulfillment depend on knowing the difference. 有些事情你可以改变得更好,而有些事情你却无法改变。你的效率、你的安心、你的满意度和成就感都取决于你是否知道其中的区别。 If you can improve the situation, take action. If nothing……


Ideal circumstances

Those who hold out for the perfect partner often end up with no partner. Those who seek the perfect opportunity may never find the opportunity they seek. 那些苦苦寻找完美伴侣的人,最终往往找不到伴侣。寻求完美机会的人可能永远也找不到他们所寻求的机会。 It’s great to expect the best out of life. But it’s foolish to expect the best to be handed to yo……
